This Key Yoga practice is the ideal counterbalance and opening for a body that sits too much and moves too little. The Key Yoga techniques open the 'four gates'—the shoulder and hip joints—and stretch the largest muscle groups.
For what purpose?
- Activation, strengthening, and stretching of many often neglected muscles and body areas
- "Unpacking" of the entire body
- Release of tightness and shortening
- With physical exercises that are also used in yoga therapy
- With props such as straps, blocks, massage balls, and walls
- Based on the precise alignment principles of Anusara Yoga
Suitable for?
- All levels, all age groups
- Hobbyists, amateur athletes, and endurance sports enthusiasts
- Beginners, office workers, and yogis
Detailed explanation:
Long periods of sitting can often cause discomfort, and when the mind starts to calm down, various sensations such as numbness or tingling may become noticeable. To address this, there are specific Key Yoga techniques that not only promote flexibility and strength in the hip and shoulder muscles but also support a free flow of energy in the body. This leads to a deeper body awareness and improves energy flows.
The Key Yoga exercises are ideal for physical well-being as well as deeper self-discovery and expanded consciousness—tuning into oneself and listening.
The effectiveness and depth of the Key Yoga exercises are enhanced when combined with Buteyko breathing, a method that improves overall breathing behavior and increases CO2 tolerance through slower and reduced airflow. The benefits of this combination include:
Improved Breathing Efficiency: By reducing breaths per minute and promoting nasal breathing, which warms and filters the air.
Reduced Stress: Slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing activates the vagus nerve, contributing to body relaxation, and lowering stress and blood pressure.
Enhanced Well-Being: By avoiding over-breathing and adapting to a healthier lifestyle with moderate food intake and increased physical activity.
Intensified Body Awareness: The exercises enhance body sensation and enable a deeper experience.
This healing and energizing exercise sequence offers a profound combination of Key Yoga and controlled breathing that is enriching both physically and spiritually.